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  • 2020-08-26 03:10



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1."Now we are working on the code of conduct between China and ASEAN countries, and we are making good progress. We always believe that any territorial disputes shall be resolved through negotiations by the parties directly concerned. And we certainly aim to have a diplomatic solution, a negotiated solution. This is our commitment. It's not changing," he said.。2.Relevant companies do business in the United States in accordance with market principles and international rules, and abide by U.S. laws and regulations, according to Wang.。3.Dan Coats, a former U.S. senator from Indiana, wrote in an opinion published by The Washington Post that all this has many observers -- even in the White House -- speaking of a new "Cold War" between the United States and China.。4."A new Cold War between the United States and China would be something else entirely. It is difficult to see how it could be fought effectively, not to mention successfully," Coats said.。5."China will not allow these people to get their way," said Wang.。6.BEIJING, Aug. 5 (Xinhua) -- Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Wednesday spoke of the need to put in place a clear-cut framework for China-U.S. relations amid the most complex situation since the establishment of the bilateral diplomatic relations in 1979.。


1."The erroneous words and moves by the U.S. Administration constituted interference in China's internal affairs. They undermined China's interests and seriously disrupted China-U.S. relations, putting the relationship in a most complex and grave situation since the establishment of diplomatic ties," said Yang.。2."Very often we hear complaints here that we don't give a level playing field to American companies. But more and more, I believe we should complain Chinese companies are not having a level playing field here," he said.。3."The law on safeguarding national security in Hong Kong targets a small number of criminals who gravely jeopardize national security and protects the law-abiding Hong Kong residents, who represent the vast majority," Zhao said.。4.China will as always welcome European investors and companies from other countries, continue to firmly deepen reform and expand opening up, and provide more cooperation opportunities and development dividends for their operations in China, Wang said.。5."As a champion and promoter for an open world economy, China has always kept its door wide open and committed to provide a market-oriented, law-based and international business environment for companies from Europe and other parts of the world," Wang said.。6.In order to navigate the China-U.S. relationship through such uncharted and turbulent waters, it is important for the two sides to set straight misinterpretations from Washington's China hawks about the history of the exchanges and cooperation between the two countries.。


1.As COVID-19 takes its toll on the global economy, China and the United States should stop attempts at decoupling and advance the relationship through cooperation, and live up to their responsibility for the world, said Wang.。2.BEIJING, Aug. 5 (Xinhua) -- China and the United States should stop attempts at decoupling and advance the relationship through cooperation, and live up to their responsibility for the world, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said in an exclusive interview with Xinhua on Wednesday.。3.There is not such neighborhood committee structure in the United States, and public health services might have served this purpose if the American system had been properly funded, according to the article.。4.The U.S. practice has no factual basis at all and is sheer malicious slander and political manipulation in an attempt to maintain its high-tech monopoly, he said. "This is a typical hegemonic behavior that runs against market principles and international trade rules and severely threatens the security of global industrial and supply chains."。5.He recalled that leaders and statesmen of the elder generation in China and the United States acted in the fundamental interests of the two peoples and made the political decision of historic significance with their exceptional strategic vision and political courage to rise above the differences in ideology and social systems.。6.CAIRO, Aug. 6 (Xinhua) -- Though the raging COVID-19 pandemic is casting a shadow over the economy of the Middle East, cooperation between China and Arab countries has shown resilience and vitality, offering hope of post-pandemic recovery in the region.。


1、China and the United States are two major countries with different social systems, histories and cultures, and each has its own interests and concerns, which is natural, he noted.。2、Spokesman Wang Wenbin made the remarks at a routine press briefing after Joerg Wuttke, president of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, on Tuesday expressed confidence of European companies in China's development prospects.。3、"Maintaining and developing a healthy and stable China-U.S. relationship is in the interests of both the two countries and peoples and the international community," it said.。4、"All new historical documents show that the actions of the Chinese troops throughout World War II fettered the Japanese army, preventing it from entering the war against the Soviet Union as Adolf Hitler demanded Tokyo," he said.。5、Xi said he was shocked to hear the passing of Comrade Le Kha Phieu, adding that he, on behalf of the CPC, the Chinese government and the Chinese people, as well as in his own name, extends deep condolences through Trong to the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV), the Vietnamese government, and Vietnamese people over the passing of comrade Le Kha Phieu, and expresses sincere sympathies to his family.。















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